For more than two years, the popular online slot machine and video poker web site, Slotland.com, provided all funding required to construct buildings and train local teachers in the remote and impoverished village of Juma, Malawi. The goal of the African aid project has always been that it should be self-sustaining and since the Project Team built a maize mill to generate ongoing revenue, the centre has required minimal outside funding.
But the work of the Project Team isn’t finished. The centre has become a teacher-training center for the region and continues to help other schools in the region get established and improve their teaching methods. The Team has also become involved in the construction of other self-sustaining community projects like a maize mill in Kantimbanye that now provides income for the school in Juma.
“We’ve learned that self-initiated projects are most likely to succeed,” said the Project Team Leader, David Leflar. “Where there’s a will, we will help them find a way!”
“The school that we’ve funded will have a long lasting benefit to the entire community. It provides opportunities and will help end the cycle of poverty in Malawi,” said Martin Smith of Slotland. “We’re very proud that one of our biggest affiliates, CasinoRanking.com, was impressed enough with the positive results of our project that they’re making a very substantial donation of their own.”
“The online casino business is a high profit industry,” said Antoine Tardif of CasinoRanking.com. “We should consider ourselves lucky to have the opportunity to help others who are not as fortunate.”
“I understand that the school is now completed,” said Tardif, “But Malawi is still one of the poorest nations on earth. If the money can go towards building wells or finding clean water that would be great too. Obviously we can trust this dedicated Project Team to decide how to best spend the money.”
The story of how the Project Team brought a whole village together to build the Umodzi-Mbame School is told on a fundraising website provided by Slotland: http://www.help-malawi-children-charity.org/. The site also explains how donations will be used by the African charity to assist neighbouring villages that have started similar projects on their own. Donations toward current and new projects can be made on the site through secure PayPal payment processing.